

Pond Care Day

-- Keeping the pond swimmable & boatable with people power --

Tuesday, November 20th

10:00am - 2:00pm

Rancho Mark West*

(Join us for part of all of this time. We may open up a larger time window, once we coordinate our staff schedules. We will let you know any timing update next week—or you can check the calendar event listing here.)


Register Here


What’s the plan? Some of LandPaths stewardship staff will be gathering to work on removing or reducing the spread of certain pond plants that are either invasive species or make it difficult to use the pond for boating and swimming throughout the year.  These plants include azolla, cattails, ludwigia, bull thistles, and milfoil.  This is going to be an ongoing effort and we will be learning from our successes and failures as we go. We invite you to join us!


Why is it important? The pond is a wonderful resource for Owl Campers and Rancho Mark West community members, and this work helps to keep it clear and usable for swimming and boating.  LandPaths is committing to using people power and mechanical methods rather than chemicals to control these plants. 


Who can participate?  LandPaths staff and RAIN members will be leading the effort, and we will open up the opportunity for any other volunteers who wish to join us.


What to bring:

  • Reusable water bottle
  • Dress in layers
  • Shoes that can get wet, if you have them
  • Change of clothes, in case you get wet!
  • Lunch, if you like (LandPaths will provide some snacks)


*We will send directions & details upon registration.