Español abajo
Bring your family to Riddell, outside of Healdsburg, to hunt for your own non-traditional tree for this winter season and have the most unique tree on the block!
Harvest a free Holiday tree while reducing wildlife fuels at the same time! You and your family will be invited to remove Douglas firs in an area of the preserve where thinning is necessary for the health of the forest. And you're invited to harvest as many trees as you like. Lots of different sizes are available, from very small to large. And while these are definitely NOT the manicured trees you might purchase at a commercial tree farm, they are filled with character and love!
Snacks and warm beverages will be provided!
Available sessions (please choose ONE upon registration)
- Session 1: 9am to 12pm
- Session 2: 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm
Please be prepared to stay for the entire session. We will travel to and from Riddell as a group in order to minimize traffic on Brack Road.
Where to Meet: Meet LandPaths' staff and other volunteers in the parking lot of the Healdsburg Corporation Yard at 550 Westside Rd, Healdsburg, CA 95448. Once everyone arrives we will caravan to the preserve. Please arrive on time.
Directions: From Highway 101 North, take the Central Healdsburg Exit. and make a slight left on Healdsburg Avenue. Turn left onto Mill Street. Continue under the highway overpass as Mill Street turns into Westside Road. The Corporation Yard parking lot will be on the left immediately before the bridge crossing at the intersection of Westside Rd and Lucius Way. There is a "Corporation Yard" sign at the entrance to the parking lot.
From Highway 101 South, take the Westside Exit and turn right on Westside Rd. The Corporation Yard parking lot will be on the left immediately before the bridge crossing at the intersection of Westside Rd and Lucius Way.
Hike Level/Terrain:
Expect to do a 1.5-mile round-trip hike up a steep but well-graded trail to Steve's Cabin before we head to the harvesting site. We'll then do another hike across moderately steep, sometimes narrow trails to the site where we'll harvest the trees. Be prepared for hike for at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours total. Feel free to get in touch with us at (707) 544-7284 if you have questions about the difficulty level of the hike!
Tasks for the day include:
Hiking up and down moderate slopes
Searching for a favorite non-traditional Holiday Tree
Felling small Douglas Fir trees with small hand-saws and loppers
Does rain mean the workday is canceled? The stewardship workday will move forward if there is a light drizzle, but a torrential rainstorm will cancel. Please call 707-544-7284 (then press 1) after 7am the morning of the stewardship day if the weather feels questionable. If you don't hear a notice of cancellation on the outgoing voice message, the stewardship day is moving forward.
What should you bring?
- Rope or other materials to tie your tree to your car
- Sturdy boots or shoes that can get muddy
- Long pants recommended
- Your own work gloves
- Hat and sunscreen
What else do you need to know?
- Expect to do a 1.5-mile round-trip hike up a steep but well-graded trail to the project site.
- You will be asked to sign a liability waiver.
- No restroom onsite
- No potable water available on the property. Make sure to fill up your water bottle ahead of time.
- No pets or smoking.
To Register Click Here
También puede inscribirse en un día diferente de gestión forestal de Riddell en diciembre para cosechar un árbol de abeto Douglas.
Subir y bajar pendientes moderadas
Búsqueda de su árbol favorito
Tala de pequeños abetos de Douglas con pequeñas sierras de mano y tijeras de podar
Desde la autopista 101 norte, tome la salida Central Healdsburg. y gire levemente a la izquierda en Healdsburg Avenue. Gire a la izquierda en Mill Street. Continúe por debajo del paso elevado de la autopista mientras Mill Street se convierte en Westside Road. El estacionamiento de Corporation Yard estará a la izquierda inmediatamente antes del cruce del puente en la intersección de Westside Rd y Lucius Way. Hay un letrero de "Corporation Yard" en la entrada del estacionamiento. Desde la autopista 101 sur, tome la salida Westside y gire a la derecha en Westside Rd. El estacionamiento de Corporation Yard estará a la izquierda inmediatamente antes del cruce del puente en la intersección de Westside Rd y Lucius Way.
- Cuerda u otros materiales para atar tu árbol a tu auto
- Botas resistentes o zapatos que pueden embarrarse
- Se recomiendan pantalones largos
- Tus propios guantes
- Sombrero y protector solar
Habrá una estación para lavarse las manos.
La caminata hasta el sitio del proyecto es de ~ 1.5 millas de ida y vuelta por un sendero empinado, pero bien nivelado.
Se le pedirá que firme una exención de responsabilidad.
No hay baños en el lugar.
No hay agua potable disponible en la propiedad.
No se permiten mascotas ni fumar.